There are a lot of aspects of our daily life that can bring on feelings of worry and fear. Lumped together, these types of feelings are often referred to as anxiety. There is such a thing as a healthy dose of anxiety: It is our natural, built-in emergency response system that sends alerts when they are needed and keeps us safe. The problem is when our emergency response system goes off at times when it is not needed. Over time, increased anxiety can lead to harmful outcomes such as panic attacks, avoidance, hair loss, skin rashes and GI issues, to name a few. Developing coping skills, becoming aware of our thoughts, incorporating breathing practices, and building acceptance can be extremely helpful. I can help you to create a toolkit to help you manage anxiety and reset your emergency response system.
Hopelessness can be a truly difficult thing to experience, especially if you couple it with feeling alone and isolated. Often times, depression originates from the avoidance of difficult and painful experiences. Seemingly, it would make sense that if we avoid difficult feelings we might actually feel better. However, it is the opposite that is often true. You begin to feel numb to all emotions and end up feeling more despair, which heightens the feelings of loneliness and lack of hope. It can be a vicious cycle. Having a therapist to talk to can help. Together we can bring curiosity to all the natural emotions experienced, explore the pain, and help you develop tools to open your heart and begin the process of living fully again.
In a world full of constant comparison, fueled by a 24/7 plugged in lifestyle, it is no surprise that many struggle with self-esteem. The following metaphor elucidates the challenges of social media: We compare our back stage with everyone else's front stage. It is no wonder the feelings of "not enough" pervade. This dynamic paired with messaging received in childhood can leave us susceptible to a disempowered way of being. There are ways to usher in change and every day presents an opportunity to build agency and empower ourselves. The question is "What matters most to you?" And, "Who do you want to be in this world?"
Grief and loss are most often associated with the death of a loved one which can produce much pain and leave a void that feels almost impossible to recover from. It can also include the loss of a relationship through divorce and separation. It can present in seeing a child off to college and becoming an empty nester. It can be the feelings of loss around the inability to get pregnant or choosing to relocate and saying goodbye to dear friends. Everywhere in our life we experience the pain around grief and loss and are left wondering how we will ever feel "right" again. In therapy, we can explore the pain and loss in a safe space where you will be heard and your feelings will be validated. Rest assured, there is no rush to feel these emotions and we take our time with them. Mindfulness can be a helpful guide as it reminds us of the present moment. We then look to how we can feel gratitude even when there is pain. Easing back into life, one step at a time.
It would be impossible to go through life without experiencing any trauma. There are varying degrees of trauma, yet all leave an imprint on our lives. If you can recall the minute details of an event, most likely an impression has been left, no matter how "small". Suppressing these traumas and burying them away is a short-term strategy to deal with the discomfort, but in the long-term it can hold you back from living the life you desire. In a safe and supported space, we can (when you are ready) look at these imprints and decide how and when to make peace with them. Mindfulness and acceptance can help as well as having a trained professional to take the journey with you.
How do you identify as a woman in our world? Do you feel held back at times due to subtle social constraints that are placed upon you from external factors? All around us are expectations that women should look, act and behave in certain ways. These social constructions (and men are not exempt from them either) can be limiting and stifle our growth and erode confidence in ourselves. The pressure to conform is there and distinct. So, how do we give ourselves the room to blossom and flourish in a way that is connected with our deeper self and reawaken the goddess within? How can we liberate ourselves from these societal limitations? Let us begin in the inquiry together.
I have worked with clients who are struggling with a variety of interpersonal and relationship challenges. From navigating a romantic partnership, to being a parent; from work dynamics to friendship difficulties, I have experience and am here to help guide and counsel you to find a balance that feels more aligned and leads to enrichment. How do you navigate a relationship without having to subjugate yourself? Is there peace in showing up as your authentic self while letting go of trying to control how others respond to you? Want to stop editing your voice and experience? In therapy, we can look at difficult interpersonal dynamics and answer questions such as these.